Rocks Are we able to complete every action plan of the day without missing anything? “Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart” How effectively we utilize tools like Outlook reminders, cell phone reminders, planners, organizers?!? Peter Christopher Raj of Franklin Templeton Investments (Ltd.) comments on Proverbs 7.

The book of Proverbs, mainly written by King Solomon (the wisest man) and some more kings – who were large scale employers, is a very important source of consulting for professionals in corporate world, who sincerely aim improvement in work efficiency, success in career, and thereby effectiveness in positively impacting their work atmosphere. The below mentioned passage mostly contains rearranged verses from the captioned chapter and less interpretation – that are in hints format rather than an article for your quick reference)

How do we comply completely to the following in our daily life at office: rules, policies, procedures, instructions, and concerns of superiors? Are they important to us like “the apple of your eye”? Compliance is a prerequisite of security & a secret of success. Are we able to complete every action plan of the day without missing anything? “Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart” How effectively we utilize tools like Outlook reminders, cell phone reminders, planners, organizers?!?

God has given more gadgets and tools at our disposal – which our ancestors were not privileged to have – to enable us to be effective at our professional roles. It is God given responsibility to be effective in our jobs and to make positive impacts, and often it takes long to use these tools to make our life easy, till we see someone using them effectively. 

“Love wisdom … and understanding … They will keep you from the adulteress … from the wayward … and seductive words”. Learn from failed professionals, victims and scapegoats and guinea pigs. We may learn a lot from their experiences and lives like: lacking judgment, walking along in the direction of destruction, doing things wrong and in wrong time, being carried away by others’ opinions and influences (without checking for the face value), never evaluating human behavior and purposes behind them, sought after peripheral gains, easily enticed to partner for wrong things, etc.

At last they failed like “an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life”. In India Inc., many of our companies, leaders and colleagues often demonstrate ‘model to follow’ (to repeat success) and ‘warning to learn from’ (to curtail failure and pains without experiencing them).

Remember often to ask yourself ‘what will be the end result’ – success, failure, hitting nowhere? Often, you may get your best help from your boss’ opinion; he will tell you exactly where you tread to! “Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say … (avoid) highway to the grave … chambers of death”.