Is sprinkling of blood barbarianism? Why did God write on stone tablets and not on paper?

Those sentences which are colored in orange are from Maharishi Dayananda Saraswati book Satyarth Prakash (The Light of Truth) and those which are colored in black are Jerry Thomas’s response.

"….and sacrificed peace offerings of oxen unto the Lord. And Moses took half of the blood and put it in basons; and half of the blood he sprinkled on the altar, and Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said, Behold the blood fo the covenant which the Lord hath made with you concerning all these words." (24:5, 6, 8, 12.)

C. ~ Now reader, judge for yourself whether the authors of all these acts were savages or not. How like savages. How like a savage and a barbarian to think that the God Almighty accepts burnt offerings of oxen and sanctions the sprinkling of blood on the altar. Such being their God, why should not His votaries fill their stomachs with the meat of oxen and cows and thereby cause a great loss to the world.

The evil influence that the Christians try to bring the same sort of false charge against the Vedas, but there is absolutely not mention of animal sacrifice and the like practices in them. Further this conclusively proves that the God of the Christians was a hill-man who lived on a mountain. He could neither make nor procure paper, ink and pen and therefore was compelled to write on tablets of stones which He gave t o Moses, He might have passed for God before those savages.

Answer: As for the animal sacrifices, the Holy Bible has given its reason.

Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.'

In other words, every sacrifice implied the graveness of sin- that wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

Probably Maharishi had a more liberal view of sins and did not like anyone viewing sin with such seriousness. As for the killings of the animals, I have already explained the criteria behind it.

As for the claim that Vedas do not have references to animal sacrifices, refer the answer for Leviticus 1:1-2.

Now, the charge that God wrote on stone tablets and not with ink and paper and therefore must have been a hill-man lived on a mountain top is a Himalayan blunder and shows that that Maharishi’s IQ never exceeded the Himalayan temperature.

God wrote the Tablets in the same way as any ancients of the Middle East wrote the covenants.

Now, is there 5000 year DVD of the Vedas or at least a printed copy so that we may know that the Vedic authors were advanced? If the answer is no, then by the method of Maharishi we can say that they must have been some intellectually challenged men and women. If the answer is that they taught by Sruthi, then by the method of Maharishi we can say that they were illiterate nomads who could not write.

Again, it is amusing for Maharishi to claim that “The evil influence that the Christians try to bring the same sort of false charge against the Vedas, but there is absolutely not mention of animal sacrifice and the like practices in them”.

It is one thing for Maharishi to reject what other Hindus accept and have his own method of interpretation from other Hindus. But it is another thing to attribute what he considers as evil to the “evil influence of Christians.”   

Yajurveda has very specific details of animal sacrifices.

Yajurveda 2. 1. 1.

He who desires prosperity should offer a white (beast) to Vayu; Vayu is the swiftest deity; verily he has recourse to him with his own share; verily he makes him attain prosperity; he prospers. 'He is an overswift deity,' they say, 'he has power to burn him up.' This (beast) he should offer to Vayu of the team; the team is his support; verily, being supported he attains prosperity to avoid being burnt; he prospers. He who desires a village should offer to Vayu of the team; Vayu leads these creatures tied by the nose; verily he has recourse to Vayu of the team with his own share; verily he assigns him creatures led by the nose; he becomes possessed of a village. It is offered to (Vayu) of the team; verily he makes creatures abide steadfast with him. He who desires offspring should offer to Vayu of the team; Vayu is expiration, the team is inspiration; expiration and inspiration depart from the offspring of him who being fit for offspring yet obtains not offspring. Verily he has recourse to Vayu of the team with his own share; verily he for him begets offspring by means of expiration and inspiration; he obtains offspring. He who has long been ill should offer to Vayu of the team; Vayu is expiration, the team is inspiration, expiration and inspiration depart from him whose illness is long. Verily he has recourse to Vayu of the team with his own share, he bestows on him expiration and inspiration; even if his life be gone, he yet lives. Prajapati was here alone; he desired, 'May I create offspring and cattle'; he took out from his body the omentum, and placed it in the fire. The hornless goat then came to life; he offered it to its own deity; then did he create offspring and cattle. He who desires offspring  and cattle should offer to Prajapati a hornless goat. Verily he has recourse to Prajapati with his own share; verily he begets for him offspring and cattle. The beard is the characteristic of man, the lack of horns of the horse, having incisors on one side only that of cattle, having sheep-like hooves that of sheep, the goat-nature that of goats; so many are the domesticated animals; verily by their characteristics he wins them. He who desires cattle should offer one of a triplet to Soma and Pusan; the she-goat has two teats, two are born separately, the third for strength and growth. Verily he has recourse to Soma and Pusan with their own share; verily they produce cattle for him; Soma is the depositor of seed, Pusan the producer of cattle; Soma deposits seeds for him, Pusan produces cattle. The sacrificial post is of Udumbara; the Udumbara is strength, cattle are strength; verily by strength he wins for him strength and cattle.

If Maharishi were told in his life time about this, probably Maharishi would have accused Christians of writing these shallow Vedas.